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About Me

I’m sure you’re wondering, “who is this girl?”


I will be honest with you, I am new to blogging. But wasn’t all the best at one point? We have a dream and we chase it. That’s what I’m doing here. I LOVE to cook! It didn’t take long of being on my own that I realized this. Allow me to formally introduce myself now, I’m Becca! I’m a 28-year-old military wife living in Virginia Beach. I live here with my husband and two awesome pups (yes, I am that person, the one obsessed with their dogs). You'll see me say "smakelijk eten" often, growing up my father, grandmother and great grandmother all always said this and it has always stuck with me. Which basically means "enjoy your meal" in Dutch. We're all fortunate to live happily and healthy with the opportunity to indulge in good food! I cook with family and love in mind. I love Disney movies, being outdoors with my camera, macaroni & cheese is my favorite food EVER, and most importantly I love exploring in the kitchen. That’s what inspired me to start this blog.


“Great food comes from simplicity and love.”


Not too long ago I left my home state, my family and friends, the life I knew. When my husband (boyfriend then) joined the Navy, I left Florida to be with him. I moved halfway across the country, excited yet nervous by this change. I went from this young, inexperienced adult to learning to survive on my own. As most young adults do, I lived off of boxed dinners. Quickly that got tiring and I decided to explore my culinary abilities.


I didn’t have a big, fancy kitchen (heck, I still don’t). Afterall, I was young and on my own for the first time. We had a small apartment with a small kitchen, we were saving for our wedding but that never held me back. I started with following the recipes of others. That’s when I realized that cooking with fresh ingredients was in fact so much better and healthier. I even found that, to my surprise, it was cheaper! How a few fresh vegetables gave me more than one can, AMAZING. It sparked my curiosity. “What else could I do with these?” I learned to love the adventure of trying new things. Recipes were great, they gave me a guideline, but simply that. I could never stick to it, I had to tweak it, to try something different. Eventually I no longer followed any recipes, I just explored. Eager to learn more, I taught myself the things I needed to know by watching cooking shows and famous chefs on YouTube. I was eager to expand my knowledge and skills.


I finally decided to do something with my passion for cooking. I decided to write to YOU. Because you don’t need fancy kitchens, expensive equipment or a culinary degree to do great things in the kitchen. Great food comes from simplicity and love. Whether you’re like I was, young and inexperienced, or like I am now, a little older and wiser but still learning, you can still make delicious meals to be proud of.


What you will find here is friendship, creativity, simplicity and really good cookin’ made with lots of love!

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